  • 期刊


Studies on Growth Media for Green Vegetable Leafy Sweet Potato Cultivation


利用農業廢棄物調製成為肥料及栽培介質等有用資材,不但可解決目前農業廢棄物污染環境之問題,同時亦可替代進口介質如泥炭苔、真珠石等,降低生產成本,增加農民收益。因此本試驗以牛糞、豬糞及蔗渣堆肥為營養源,並利用粉碎稻殼、米糠及泥炭土以一定比例混和經堆積、發酵後當作基礎介質,將營養源及基礎介質以不同比例調配出不同碳氮比、酸鹼值及電導度之栽培介質,並進行葉菜甘藷栽種生育及產量調查,以尋求最適當之栽培介質,擬應用推廣於生產無農藥、無污染之健康蔬菜。試驗結果顯示含15%、20%及25%豬糞堆肥栽培介質,其電導度均小於3.8 ds/m,其餘試驗用栽培介質的電導度皆大於4.0 ds/m;栽培介質的全氮、全磷及全鉀濃度,所有處理問的差異不顯著。以含15%豬糞堆肥、牛糞堆肥或蔗渣堆肥之栽培介質栽植葉菜甘藷,則發現其產量以牛糞及豬糞堆肥處理者優於含蔗渣堆肥處理。於本試驗中,利用豬糞堆肥與基礎介質混合調製之栽培介質,盆栽栽植葉菜甘藷,於45天內,採收四次,每次的採收量可維持較高的產量。為提昇葉菜甘藷的產量及品質,本試驗嘗試利用肥力互補之特性將牛糞、豬糞及蔗渣堆肥以75%兩相混合,並比較其產量及生育特性,結果發現將堆肥兩相混合以調製介質的方式,的確可互補堆肥之特性而增加葉菜甘藷產量。


Utilization of agricultural wastes as growth media not only can decrease the environmental pollution, but also reduce production cost. In the study, we used dairy dung compost, hog dung compost, and sugarcane waste compost as nutrient sources to mix with basal medium to develop several growth media for culturing vegetable leafy sweet potato. Basal medium was made from rice husk mixed with rice bran and peat moss at a ratio of 1:2:2 (v/v/v), and then composted with 8 weeks. Results showed that the conductivity of growth media containing 15%, 20% and 25% hog dung compost were less than 3.8 ds/m, and other receipt growth media were above 4.0 ds/m. The contents of total nitrogen, phosphate and potassium were not significantly different among all tested growth media. By comparing the growth yield of leafy sweet potato, growth medium containing 15% hog dung compost or dairy dung compost was better than 15% sugarcane waste compost. In pot culture, growth media containing 15%, 20% and 25% hog dung compost could maintain the production of leafy sweet potato as long as 45 days with harvesting 4 times. Growth media containing two kinds of composts had better leafy sweet potato yield than that containing single compost.
