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Magnificent Wonder and Exquisite Splendor: The Literary Bases of Compositions of Maurice Ravel


十九世紀浪漫主義盛行以來,文學與音樂結合的時尚風起雲湧,各類與文學相關的音樂不可勝數,是為浪漫時期音樂創作的一項特質。世紀末在多重文化交流的影響下,作曲家得以在更多陎向的文學作品中探尋音樂創作的根源,如此的創作風潮延伸至二十世紀,文學之於音樂的影響歷久彌新,不斷豐富音樂創作的層陎與內涵。法國印象樂派大師拉威爾(Maurice Ravel, 1875-1937)是近代偉大作曲家的代表之一。在世紀交替的年代中,他的創作以現代觀點的訴求與古典主義的傳統展現獨具的風格。他的作品多半附有標題,其中許多都與文學有關,變化多端、意趣橫生,在在呈現他璀璨絢麗奇幻異彩的創意根底。本文嘗詴從拉威爾創作相關的時代背景、他有關文學的音樂創作與他為創作擷取的文學作品,探索拉威爾的創作典範、他與文學相關的音樂,以及他選用的代表性文學素材的內容,藉以明瞭拉威爾這類音樂創作所根源的文學底蘊。


拉威爾 音樂 創作 文學 歌詞


The correlation and integration of music and literature is one of the characteristics of nineteenth century musical Romanticism. Toward the end of the century, literary sources expanded even further due to multicultural exchange and stimulation. The practice of choosing literature as the base and inspiration for composing extended into the following century when literature continued to enrich the contents of numerous musical works. French impressionistic master Maurice Ravel (1875-1937) is recognized as one of the great contemporary composers. His compositions combined classical traditions of form and balance, the modern pursuit of sonority and rhythm, antique modes and styles, and exotic elements and colors. Most of his compositions are program music and are often connected with different kinds of literature-either inspired by literary works or using verses as text to set music. The purpose of this paper is to explore the historical background through the representatives of literature related music in the nineteenth century, to examine the literary connections and contents of the compositions of Ravel, and to understand the characters and spirits that Ravel's music is based on.


Maurice Ravel Music Composition Literature Text
