  • 期刊


Characteristics of Debris Flow-inducing Factors in Typhoon Morakot Affected Area-An Examination of the Topographic Factors, Rainfall Intensity and Landslide Rate




Typhoon Morakot lashed Taiwan during Aug. 7 to 9, 2009. It dumped heavy rainfall in southern Taiwan, especially around the Central Mountain Range in Pingtung, Chia-Yi, and Kaohsiung County. In view of this, Comprehensive field investigation was carried out by government and private organizations after Typhoon Morakot, useful information of debris flow was gathered. Besides, after Typhoon Morakot, the debris flow-inducing factors become more challenging in Taiwan, many aspects had to be considered.The scope of this study was mainly discussed in debris flow-inducing factors in serious damaged areas which including Nantou, Chia-Yi, Tainan, Kaohsiung, Pingtung, Taitung County. Totally 218 channelized debris flow torrents were included. Field investigation data and disaster records of Typhoon Morakot were utilized to analyze debris flow-inducing factors in three aspects: terrain, rainfall and sediment source. First, by using Principle component analysis and Pearson Product Moment correlation analysis to select significant factors, 101 factors were reduced to the most important 18 factors. Then through descriptive statistics and characteristics Analysis were selected to discuss the relationship among ”Average slope gradient of watershed”, ”Landslide rate along the stream within 50mbuffer zone” as well as the ”rainfall intensity during Typhoon Morakot”. The above charts were used to summarize the range of factor value which tend to occur phenomenon of debris flow in Typhoon Morakot. The results can be utilized in improving debris flow hazard management in the future.


