  • 期刊

SMEs Implementing an Industry Specific ERP Model Using a Case Study Approach





Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) frequently cannot smoothly implement ERP projects because of limited resources, such as lack of funding and human resources. Given tailor made industry specific ERP systems and a reference model for implementing an information system (IS), the success rates of SEMs implementing IS could be significantly increased. Therefore, this study focused on four local SMEs that had implemented an industry specific ERP system, and discussed their implementation model and the performance of individual cases. For SMEs, the results indicated that the industry specific ERP system is more suitable than the common ERP system and is easier to implement, has a smaller impact on organization adaptability, and also involves a smaller total investment. Finally, an IS implementation model was proposed after studying the four cases and conducting a literature review. This implementation model can provide a reference for other SMEs planning to implement an ERP system.


ERP specific ERP information system SMEs


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