  • 期刊

Bayesian Estimations of Some Process Capability Indices under Restrictive Assumptions



製程能力指標C(下標 p),C(下標 pk),C(下標 pm),及C(下標 pmk)是提供測度製程能力與績效的數種重要數量指標。在本文中我們探討在貝氏架構下臨C(下標 pm)(μ≠T)及C(下標 pmk)(μ=m)兩種指標的估計問題。我們依序考慮了無資訊的、共軛及瑋伯故障函數等事前分佈,並且導出相對的貝氏估計量;同時,在某些條件下求得可靠區間的下界,以利判定製程能力是否達到水準。


Capability indices, such as, C(subscript p), C(subscript pm), C(subscript pm) and C(subscript pmk), are important quantities to provide a measure of process potentiality and performance. In this paper we consider the problem of estimations of indices C(subscript pm)(μ≠T) and C(subscript pmk)(μ=m) under Bayesian framework. Several priors such as non-informative, conjugate prior and Weibull hazard function have been considered. Some estimates of hyper parameters are also studied. Some Bayesian estimators are derived and lower bounds of the credible intervals under some conditions are also given.


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