  • 期刊


A Study on a Small-Boat-Based Total Berthing Control System


本文將靠泊控制與導航曲線追蹤結合,設計整合式靠泊系統(Total Berthing Control System, TBCS),並應用於玻璃纖維強化塑膠(Fiberglass Reinforced Plastics, FRP)小型實驗船舶上進行靠泊系統實驗及測試。其中靠泊控制器包含橫移(sway)與平擺(yaw)控制;靠泊曲線追蹤乃以軌跡追蹤控制,結合貝茲(Bezier)曲線設計靠泊參考路徑點完成之。經由貝茲曲線所產生之路徑點導航曲線,可平順的將船舶引導至靠泊區。控制器採用內模式控制(IMC,Internal Model Control)設計法則進行之,首先由數值模擬初步篩選,再由實船試驗快速尋找控制器最佳控制參數。動力分配則經由艏、艉推進器產生之力與力矩間關係,利用數值推演得到僅包含橫移而無縱移與平擺運動之結果。靠泊控制器以船舶與岸壁距離作爲橫移控制迴授之用,並結合平擺角之控制使船舶有平順且穩定之橫移運動。總結,本研究之實驗軟體使用MATLAB/Simulink所提供之real time windows target環境,並整合實驗載具(小型FRP船)、電力模組、導航模組、控制模組、舵機模組等次系統進行靠泊流程實驗,完成理論推導,模擬評估及實船驗證之工作。本研究建構之靠泊理論實現流程,將可提供真實船舶靠泊作業之參考。


This work is concerned with the design, analysis and experiment of a total berthing control system (TBCS) that consists of a track-keeping control module and a berthing control module. The waypoints defining the tracks are generated from the Bezier curve to achieve smooth transition into the berthing maneuver standby zone. Both the yaw angle and the sway distance are used as feedback signals to activate the bow and stern thrusters, and with proper thrust allocation, smooth sideway movements towards the berthing wall are obtained. The Internal Model Control (IMC) method is adopted in the design of both the yaw and sway controllers, and computer simulations are conducted to find the feasible IMC design parameters that give desirable responses. These parameters are found directly applicable in the small boat-based experiments, and only minimal time is required in reaching the optimal value of that meets the berthing response requirements. In summary, this work uses an FRP small boat as the test bed that integrates the power module, the navigation and guidance module, the control module, and the steering gear module in forming the total berthing control system (TBCS). Moreover, the Real Time Windows Target working environment allows direct transfer of the simulink-based design blocks to the control of the small boat. The total berthing procedures proposed in this Work might provide useful information on optimal berthing procedures needed in the full size vessel's berthing operations.
