  • 期刊


Effect of Fabric Structure and Concentration of Chitosan on Air Permeability of PET Weft-Knitted Fabrics


賦予織物額外功用受到目前紡織業者所重視,首先是於電子產業之應用,而緊接在後為是與奈米或生醫領域之結合。對於生醫領域的應用上,最常見到的是傷口敷料的改良。透氣度太低的傷口敷料常讓用者本身產生不舒服的悶熱成及組織液對傷口的壓迫,因此需有良好之透氣度作為調節。 本實驗主要目的是探討針織布結構與幾丁聚醣濃度對緯編針織布透氣性之影響。我們將具有生物相容性之聚酯長絲使用37段撥片式單面圓編機織造成緯編針織布,在織造時改變喂入根數與變化組織以造成針織布透氣度之變化,並於針織布上塗佈幾丁聚醣,且將針織布塗佈前後對其透氣性作一討論與分析。 在實驗結果中,聚酯緯編針織布在未處理前,針織物透氣度隨著使用的紗線粗細及掛針組織的連掛次數增加而成為一下降的趨勢。在處理後,隨著幾丁聚醣濃度的上升,針織布透氣度有先降後升的趨勢,在幾丁聚醣濃度在1.0%時為其最低點。而實驗中使用150D/144 f以喂入2根的方式所織造的針織布在透氣度上有一較差的表現,且不會因為織物組織變化而有明顯的改變。


幾丁聚醣 針織組織 透氣度


Now industry of textile giving fabrics is paying attention to give an additional function on fabrics. First applying in electronic industry, than using on nano or biomedical domain. About applying on biomedical domain, improving wound dressings is common. A patient using wound dressings with a bad air permeability often feels not comfortable like hot and windless. So it needs a good air permeability to adjust to hot and windless. In this experiment, we confer the affect of fabric structure and concentration of chitosan on air permeability of pbolyester weft-kintted fabric structure and concentration of chitosan. We produced weft-kintted fabric with polyester filament having biocompatible. And we changed organize of weft-kintted fabrics to make a variation on air permeability. We coated chitosan on weft-kintted fabrics to analysis the air permeability around coating chitosan. A result of this experiment, air permeability of PET weft-kintted fabric is decreasing when thickness of yarns and numbers of tuck is increasing before coating chitosan. After coating, air permeability of PET weft-kintted fabric has a down then up trend following concentration of chitosan is increasing. Concentration of chitosan is the minimum in 1.0%. It is bad that PET weft-kintted fabric making by two yams which number is 150D/144 f, and it does not have a obvious change with changing organize of fabric.


Chitosan pattern of Knit gabric permeability
