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The Union of Beauty and Goodness: A Comparison between the Artistic Theories of Jacques Maritain and Chinese Literati Painting




This paper attempts to draw a comparison between the artistic theories of catholic philosopher Jacques Maritain and Chinese literati painting on the basis of how they view the relationship between beauty and goodness. From this perspective, the main difference, we may say, is that Maritain believes artistic and moral value to belong to two distinct realms, while the Chinese artist insists his art to be tightly bound to his own moral integrity. As a result, Maritain emphasizes that art in its own realm can even ”avail itself of anything, even of sin”, whereas the Chinese painter regards his cultivation and moral integrity the key to achieving value in his work. And due to this, the Chinese painter does not stress his painting skill or the exact likeness of the object he paints, which for him is no more than a means to express the ”idleness (or leisure) in his chest”--his tranquility in spirituality.However, although Maritain claims that art and morality belong to different domains, he also points out that in the milieu of the artist's ”pre-consciousness”, where his creative intuition emerges, all of his capacities, powers, desires and his being are fused together. Consequently, ”pre-consciousness” is also the place where the art and moral integrity of the artist converge. On these grounds, if art and morality contradict one another in the artist, Maritain would reply, ”the only solution for such an artist is to change, not his work (as long as he remains what he is), but himself.” Because only if the artist's spiritual source is purified then can beauty and goodness achieve their union intact. Maritain's theory concerning the creative process of the artist allows us to illustrate the possible link between art and morality in the Chinese painter and as well helps us to show how the union of art and morality comes to fruition.There is another point that deserves to be mentioned here: on the one hand, Chinese literati painting theory develops its unique artistic style because it always stands on the intersection of art and morality; on the other hand, this characteristic seems to somehow limit the Chinese artist to fully explore art without morality. There was a time when I was quite concerned about this limitation, but recently have begun to see it in a different light, and will be glad to share my thoughts at the conclusion of this paper.


