  • 期刊


Attitudes and Strategies of Sun Yat-Sen on Capitalism




Sun Yat-sen was the pioneer of the revolution. He overthrew the Manchu government due to not only political considerations, but also civilization and culture reason. China's internal debilitation and underdevelopment of science led to abuse by foreign powers. The purpose of all the acts of the Sun Yat-sen was to gain more time for the Chinese to catch up with this civilization gap. Sun Yat-sen understood that starting a revolution and establishing the Republic was an important method to ease the military powers divide. This method was able to guide the powers to think about the possibility of an economic divide. The use of this strategy was a combination of intelligence and bold. However, when the revolution succeeded and the powers were ready to legitimately plunder China. Sun Yat-sen again defended China's economic interests with his Three Principles of the People. His actions protected China from economic divide. The main feature of the Three Principles was Principles of People's Livelihood, which was its economic policy. In Principles of People's Livelihood, equalization of landownership and regulation of capital was most essential. Its purpose was to prevent land annexations and capital merges. In the era where China was relatively poor and weak, Sun Yat-sen's equalization of landownership and regulation of capital prevented the powers' ambition to carve up China with economic terms and prevented the prerequisite of economic divide-land annexations and capital merges. He promoted national socialism and identified himself as ”a total socialist” were all attempts to make a solid declaratory to the powers who were eager to execute the economic divide.


孫中山〈上李傅相(李鴻章)書─廣東香山來稿〉《萬國公報》(上海,廣學會,1894 年),69~70卷中
孫中山〈檀香山興中會成立宣言〉(檀香山,自由新報特刊《檀山華僑》中《華僑史之《中國革命黨在檀小史》,1929 年)
孫中山〈論懼革命召瓜分者乃不識時務者也〉《中興日報》(新加坡,,1908 年 8月 20日)
孫中山〈支那保全分割合論〉《江蘇》(日本東京,江蘇同鄉會,1904 年,六期)
孫中山〈中國問題的新解決〉"The true solution of the Chinese question"(美國,1904 年)
