  • 期刊


Efficiency Analysis on Cosmetology Design Education In Junior College




五專 美容設計教育 課程 實習


The purpose of this study is to explore the benefit analysis of cosmetology design education in five-year junior college, integrate the educational development of cosmetology-related departments, curriculum structures, and internship contents, investigate the evolution of cosmetology design education, analyze its course structures, and explore the off-campus internship contents to lay down the educational foundation of cosmetology design education in five-year junior college, providing refined human resources to the cosmetology industry and academia, and creating outstanding economic values for the cosmetology industry. The subjects of this study included the public and private five-year junior colleges in Taiwan. Qualitative research and quantitative research were utilized in this study to collect data in order to deeply investigate the educational development, curriculum structures, and internship contents in five-year junior colleges, including documentary research, interview method, focus group, observation, descriptive statistics, factor analysis, one-way analysis of variance, and interpretive semantics model (ISM). The professional curriculum projecting of cosmetology design education in five-year junior college can be implemented in accordance with the course module, progressing from beginning to advanced courses in depth and breadth. Including: basic course, advanced courses, hands-one courses, and integrated courses. Students will learn the professional skills and knowledge as well as develop the autonomy, action and adaptability of students in quick adjusting to the workplace. The curriculum can be embedded with core competency courses, including: work ethics, interpersonal communication, emotion control, marketing management, career planning courses or activities, seminars and observations to establish students with solid foundation in competitiveness.


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