  • 期刊


The Analysis of Taiwan's Mineral and Metals Import & Export of the Year Suffering Financial Tsunami


本文係蒐集我國海關民國97、98年礦物進出口量值資料加以整理、研究、比較、分析。民國98年進口之礦物價值共達新台幣1兆444.3億元,較民國97年進口之新台幣1兆6,015.3億元,進口值減少5,570.7億元(-34.78%);進口量為1 億6,239萬公噸,較民國97年1億7,014萬公噸,減少775萬公噸(-4.56%)。就進口量而言,主要進口礦物(礦物進口量在10 萬公噸以上者)有煤、石油、礫卵石、天然砂、鐵礦、天然氣、金屬熔渣、鹽、石灰石、矽砂、花崗石石材、高嶺土、長石、白雲石、大理石石材、菱鎂礦、鈦礦、石膏、磷酸石、鋯粉及其他等。出口礦物較重要者為金屬熔渣及灰、硫磺、矽砂、重晶石、石膏等。民國98年進口值與出口值之比例約為289:1,民國97年進口值與出口值之比例約為167:1。均顯示礦物之進口遠比出口重要。


礦物 礦產品 礦產製品 進口 出口 台灣


The study is to analysis the impact of financial tsunami on the import and export of mineral commodities by comparing the R.O.C.'s custom data of 2008 and 2009. The result shows that the value of importation of mineral commodities in 2009 was NT$ 1,044.4 billion decreasing by 34.78% with precious year; and decrease by 62.39% for the exportation value of NT$ 3.6 billion in 2009 respectively. However the decrease of the volume was only 4.56% for importation with 162,385,110 metric ton in 2009 and 8.83% for exportation with 963,499 metric ton which indicates that Taiwan's economy highly depending upon the imported minerals. The important imported minerals were coal, petroleum, gravel, natural sand, iron ores, natural gas, metallic slag, salt, limestone, silica sand, granite-dimension stone, Kaolin, feldspar, dolomite, marble-dimension stone, magnesite, Titanium ores, gypsum, Phosphate Rock, and Zirconia Powder.
