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An Experiment on Knowledge Extraction from an Encyclopedia Based on Lexicon Semantics




知識提取 詞彙語義


The typical approaches to extracting text knowledge are sentential parsing and pattern matching. Theoretically, text knowledge extraction should be based on complete understanding, so the technology of sentential parsing is used in the field. However, the fragility of systems and highly ambiguous parse results are serious problems. On the other hand, by avoiding thorough parsing, pattern matching becomes highly efficient. However, different expressions of the same information will dramatically increase the number of patterns and nullify the simplicity of the approach. Parsing in Chinese encounters greater barriers than that in English does. Firstly, Chinese lacks morphology. For example, recognition of base-NP in Chinese is more difficult than that in English because its left boundary is hard to discern. Secondly, there are many stream sentences in Chinese which lack subjects and cause parsing to fail. Finally, in Chinese, the absence of verbs is also pervasive. Sentential parsing centering on verbs, which is used with English, is not always successful with Chinese. We are engaged in research on knowledge extraction from the Electronic Chinese Great Encyclopedia. Our goal is to extract unstructured knowledge from it and to generate a well-structured database so as to provide information services to users. The pattern-matching approach is adopted. The experiment was divided into two steps: (1) classifying entries based on lexicon semantics; (2) establishing a formal system based on lexicon semantics and extracting knowledge by means of pattern matching. Classification of entries is important because in the text of the entries of different categories there are different kinds of patterns expressing knowledge. Our experiment demonstrated that an entry of the encyclopedia can be classified precisely merely according to the characters in the entry and the words in the first sentence of the entry's text. Some specific categories, e.g., organization names and Chinese place names, can be classified satisfactorily merely according to the suffix of the entry, for suffixes are closely related with semantic categories in Chinese. The formal system designed for knowledge extraction consists of 4 kinds of meta knowledge: concepts, mapping, relations and rules, which reflect lexicon semantic attributes. The present experiment focused on the extraction of knowledge about various areas from the texts regarding administrative places of China (how large is a place or its subdivisions). The results of the experiment show that the design of the formal system is practical. It can accurately and completely denote various expressions of simple knowledge in a Chinese encyclopedia. However, when the focus of knowledge changes, e.g., from administrative areas to habits of animals, it is a labor-intensive task to renew the formal system. Therefore the study of auto or semi-auto generation of this kind of formal system is required.




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