

對慢疾病治工作而言,疾病危襝因子評估、監測與生活型式修飾、改變,是預防慢性疾病發生和促進健康的最佳策略;而建立相關之健康資料車更是疾病防治的重要基石。由於良好的資料車具備完整性(completeness)、周延性(comprehensiveness)、保密性(confidentiality)、正確性(accuracy)、易取性(accessibility)、和可用性(availability)等特點;因此,安全、可靠、易用及網路化則是健康資料車發揮功能的必要條件。完善健康資料庫可提供重要醫療健康資訊作為擬醫療衛生保健政策時之參考;亦能提供學術研究機構進行科學研究;也能提供醫療機構發展醫療衛生保健服務之策略以維持、保護和增進病患之健康;更能提供管理者在面對快速變遷的醫療生態環境下思索經營與發展之方向,奠定永續經營之基石。一個完善的健康資料庫不但具有多功能性和多用途性,無論其在近程和長程的貢獻上更顯現出它的重要性價值性。 國軍乃屬一特殊職場與族群,國軍醫療保健體系旳存在與發展顯有其重要性與特殊性。國軍尉校軍官是我國軍人員之主要長期服役族群,若能適切提供預防性、完整性和持續性的醫療衛生保健服務措施,除平時可維護與增進國軍健康外,戰時才能使國戰力得以發揮最大效能,故建構其長期性健康評估與疾病世代追蹤研究的「國軍軍官健康資料庫」,有其實務上的迫切性與必要性。


In the past 40 years, chronic diseases became the major leading causes of death in Taiwan. In fact, the total number of deaths due to chronic diseases accounted for more than three-quarters of the total mortality in Taiwan in 1995. For chronic diseases, the optimal treatment is the early prevention, early modification and early treatment. A well-planned integrated health database can be the major resources of health and medical-related information. It also can be used to analyze the effectiveness of health-care operations ,to understand the medical performance ,and thus to enhance the healthcare quality. A well-planned integrated health database has following characteristics such as completeness, comprehensiveness, confidentiality, accuracy, accessibility, and availability. In other words, this database should be safety, reliable ,friendly and computerized (networking) for multi-purposes integration. The military health care system has its special characteristics--- focusing of special population (military employees) and providing preventive and comprehensive medical care to achieve the maximal military forces. To establish the military health care database is critical and crucial in Taiwan in the future.


health data base military officer
