  • 期刊


The Epidemiological Studies of the Menopausal Symptoms and the Therapeutic view and Points of the Traditional Chinese Medicine & Western Medicine


本文探討近代更年證候群中西方流行病學症狀盛行率及病理機轉之研究,結果顯示西方白種高加索人婦女更年期症狀相較於華人發生頻率較高而且症狀較嚴重,西方人更年期症狀多以典型的心血管舒缩症狀,諸如潮熱盜汗為主。而華人婦女更年期症狀則以骨關節與身體疼痛、失眠與疲倦乏力為主要症狀。鑑於西方醫學目前在治療更年期證候群上,改以低劑量、短時間投與荷爾蒙替代療法來改善更年期症狀、預防骨質疏鬆。本文提出相應之中醫治療看法與觀點,認為現代更年期證候群的治療,應以補腎固本、變理陰陽為主,同時兼顧心、肝、脾為輔,處方上可以以滋養肝腎、填精益髓為主,佐以肝腎合治、心腎論治或是脾腎同治的藥物。 本文提出建議現代更年期證候群的診斷與治療,應參考流行病學分析現今不同人種與不同體質發生的症狀,結合現代研究的成果,而有不同的治法。


This article researched and discussed about the epidemiological prevalence rate and pathophysiolgy of the menopausal syndrome. Recent papers demonstrated that compared to the Pan-Asia women, the menopausal symptoms of the western Caucasian women had higher prevalence rates and severity degree. The menopausal symptoms of the western Caucasian women primary revealed the classical vasomotor symptoms, like hot flush/night sweet. But in the Chinese and Taiwanese women, the symptoms focused on the Joint & muscular discomfort, insomnia, forgetfulness and fatigue. Due to the recent recommendations and IMS statements, Low dose and short duration of HRT have been shown to be effective for menopause symptom relief. We proposed the alternative therapeutic view and principle of the Chinese medicine that primary supplied the kidney, secure essence and balanced Yin-Yang, combined with recuperate of the heart, liver and spleen.
