  • 期刊


Review of Chinese Medical Literature on the Pathogenesis of Liver Cirrhosis


肝硬化是臨床常見之疑難重症,現代醫學目前尚無有效之治療藥物。傳統醫學在肝硬化的治療上累積相當豐富的經驗,本研究希望藉由與肝硬化病因病機相關之中醫文獻回顧,歸納傳統醫學在辨治肝硬化時之病機思路,以提供臨床治療之參考。 研究中我們以「肝硬化」為關鍵字搜尋「中國期刊網全文資料庫-醫藥衛生輯」,共得10,148篇標題含「肝硬化」之全文文獻,其中與肝硬化中醫病機相關之文獻共160篇。經分析後,結果顯示傳統醫學認為肝硬化多因飲食不節、長期飲酒、情志所傷、過度勞累等促發因素導致正氣內虛,外在濕熱邪氣乘虛而入,蘊結肝膽,導致氣滯血瘀,肝病及脾,脾失健運,久則及腎;肝、脾、腎氣機失調,致氣滯血瘀、水停於腹中,而成腹水之症,甚者引發「肝昏迷」等危重症。此研究結果有助於全面瞭解肝硬化病機思路,進而擬定臨床治療策略。


肝硬化 中醫 病機


The treatment of liver cirrhosis is both an important and difficult issue in clinical practice, because there is still no effective treatment in modern medicine for the disease. Since there are plenty of useful experiences accumulated in traditional Chinese medicine, the aim of this study was to draw a conclusion of the pathogenesis of liver cirrhosis by reviewing the Chinese medical literature. We chose ”liver cirrhosis” as the key word to search the ”China Journal Full-text Database” and resulted in 10,148 pieces of paper with the title ”liver cirrhosis” in it. Among these 10,148 pieces of paper, 160 pieces are related with the Chinese medical pathogenesis of liver cirrhosis. After analyzing the 160 pieces of paper, we concluded the pathogenesis of liver cirrhosis in Chinese medicine as the followings. Unhealthy diet habits, alcoholism, unbalanced emotional status, and work over-load all worsen the physical constitution and make the body liable to pathogenic factors. The invaded pathogen will disturb the normal function of the ”liver zang” initially, and expand to ”spleen zang” and ”kidney zang” finally, then the signs ”ascites” and even ”hepatic encephalopathy” may occur. The conclusion of the study is helpful to realize the overall Chinese medical pathogenesis of liver cirrhosis and to plan the clinical treatment strategy.
