  • 期刊


The Orthodontic Treatment in the Patient of Angle's Class Ⅱ Relationship with Mandible Retrusion by Using Multiple Functional Appliances


安格式第二類咬合不正主要是由於基因所造成的,環境因素如吸手指或是舌頭的位置等也是造成咬合不正的原因,其病徵包括1.上顎過度發育,下顎正常生長、2.上顎正常生長,下顎發育不良、3.上顎過度發育合併下顎發育不良;造成病患有隆凸的外型。其中安格氏第二類咬合不正合併下顎後縮之病患在生長發育期間配戴功能性矯正裝置,能夠改正肌神經機能障礙(neuromuscular dysfunction)以及改變下顎位置,促使下顎向前移動,進而改善病患外觀及咬合關係。本篇報告針對安格氏第二類咬合不正合併下顎後縮之病患,於生長期間配戴多種功能性矯正裝置,促使下顎向前移動,改變上下顎關係,同時接受固定式矯正治療,有效改善隆凸外型及咬合不正,達到美觀及咬合雙方面之改正。


The etiology of Angle's Class Ⅱ malocclusion are: 1.maxillary protrusion, 2.mandibular retrusion, 3.combination of both. The therapeutic methods of Angle's Class Ⅱ malocclusion with mandibular retrusion by using the functional appliance will correct neuromuscular dysfunction, remodeling of the glenoid fossa and enhancement of condyle growth by anterior positioning of mandible. In this case report will present a patient of Angle's Class Ⅱ malocclusion with mandibular retrusion. By using multiple functional appliances during active growth period to improve mandible forward positioned and the maxilla-mandible relation is altered. Then, combined with fixed orthodontic treatment, the convex profile and malocclusion is improved. Esthetics and occlusion correction are achieved.
