  • 期刊


Fatal Negligence-A Study of Engine Room Fire


某大型貨櫃輪於停靠日本大阪港期間,因燃油系統均質機故障,造成11 bar壓力的燃油自均質機軸封噴出,至遇高溫燒損均質機軸承處,致使機艙4th Floor淨油機艙發生火災,且火勢迅速蔓延至整個淨油機艙,當煙火偵測器自動發出火警警報,經輪機員迅速趕赴至機艙控制室時,整個機艙已密佈濃煙及照明電源斷路而無法處理,經啟動固定式CO2滅火系統,使火撲滅於淨油機艙,但損壞、修理復舊花了三週時間,造成公司營運上重大損失。


During the stay in the port of Osaka, Japan, a Panamax container met a fault of fuel oil system and the eleven-bar-pressure oil spread from the mechanical seal of the homogenizer to shaft ball bearing which caused the latter to be caught fire and burnt completely. The fire soon spread furiously to the purifier cabin which located on the 4(superscript th) floor in the engine room. As the automatic smoke detector detected the fire, the fire alarm sounded immediately. All the engineer and crew rushed to engine control room and found that the engine room was full with dense smoke. Besides, light blackout was caused by short circuits of cables which were not recoverable. After the fixed fire fighting system was activated, the fire in the purifier cabin was finally extinguished. It took about three weeks to do the repair work which caused a serious loss to the ship's company.
