  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Homograft and Autograft of Cornea


Nine cases of corneal transplantation, 8 homografts and 1 autograft were reported. In all cases 6 mm round corneal button was used. Penetrating keratoplasty was performed in 8 eyes and lamellar in one eye. The autograft and 7 of the homografts remained clear with improvement of visions. The corrected vision restored to 1.0 in one case, 0.7 in two, and 0.2 in two cases. In the other two cases whose grafts remained clear, the vision did not restored to over 0.1 because of amblyopia and cataract. Among the homograft cases 4 donor corneas derived from cadaver eyes and 4 from pathologically enucleated eyes. The latter grafts took well and remained clear. The causes of pathological enucleation were penetrating injuries and absolute glaucoma. In our society religious customs make corneas difficulty to obtain. To alleviate the difficulty in obtaining corneas suitable for keratoplasty from cadavers corneal grafts could be sought from pathologically removed eyes which was blind due to an ocular affection other than corneal disease.


