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隱型眼鏡裝用對於眼睛的影響 第二篇 隱型眼鏡裝用對於眼壓之影響

The Influence of the Contact Lens Wear on the Eye Part Ⅱ the Influence of the Contact Lens Wear on the Intra Ocular Pressure


The purpose of this paper is to report the results of our survey on the variation of intraocular pressure of normal persons and glaucomatous patients after wearing the contact lenses. First, fifty cases of normal persons (100 eyes) were selected and the intraocular pressure before and two hours after wearing the contact lenses were measured respectively. As the result, the mean of the intraocular pressure before wearing the contact lenses on normal eyes was 15.18mmHg and that after two-hour wearing was 14.57mmHg. The difference between these two figurs was of no significance statistically. Secondly, the C-value was measured on two persons (four eyes) before and two hours after wearing the contact lenses respectively. The difference between the mean of the C-value before wearing the contact lenses (0.185) and two hours after wearing (0.180) was also not significant statistically. These results indicated that the two-hour wearing practice of the contact lenses for normal persons in daily clinic might be considerably safe in terms of intraocular pressure. However, we rather agree with Abe's view-point that it is absolutely necessary to check the intraocular pressure of all volunteers who visited our clinic to apply the the contact lenses for detecting the glaucoma which exists among normal population in the ratio of ca. 1.6%. Thirdly, we also measured the intraocular pressure on 15 cases of long-term contact lens wearers at the end of eight hours continuous wearing of the contact lenses and exactly 48 hours after removing the contact lenses respectively. The results showed that the mean of the former was 14.81mmHg, and that of the latter 15.01mmHg. The difference between them revealed no statistical significance, either. This fact indicated that the contact lens wear, even after long term had little influence on the intraocular pressure. Finally, the intraocular pressure of the glaucomatous patients-nine cases of acute closed-angle glaucoma, two cases of chronic closed-angle glaucoma and one case of steroid glaucoma-were measured before and two hours after wearing the contact lenses respectively. The results were also the same as those obtained on the normal persons: that is, the difference between the mean intraocular pressure measured before wearing the contact lenses and two hours after wearing the contact lenses was also of no significance statistically. This fact suggests that the wearing of the contact lenses for two hours even in glaucomatous eyes can be considered to be safe and the effect of the contact lens wear on the glaucomatous eyes also seems to be insignificant. However, further investigations should be conducted in order to prove this point. Moreover, the effect of long term wearing of the contact lenses on glaucomatous eyes should be further studied in the near future so that we shall be able to learn whether glaucomatous eyes would also be suitable for the long term contact lens wearing.


