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Long Term Cisult of Diabetic Maculopathy after Pan-Retinal Photocoagulation


169位患有糖尿性視網膜病合併黃斑部病變之患者,共240眼。僅施以泛視網膜雷射光凝固治療。有167隻眼(69.9%)在追踪檢查6個月至6年後,視力進步或維持不變。黃斑部水腫及硬脂性沉澱物約在半年後逐漸消退。光凝固燒炙程度以200μ 1500~2000點或500μ 1000~1500點最恰當。




The most common cause for visual loss in Diabetic retinopathy is malfunction of the macula. The following changes are presented in diabetic maculopathy: abnormal permeability of the macular capillaries and the progressive closure of the macula capillary network which bring about microaneurysms, cotton-wool spots, hemorrhage, serous fluid and lipid deposits leading to disturbance of the normal anatomic cellular functions. Sucessful focal Laser photocoagulation for treatment the focal capillary leakage or non-perfusion area to preserve the visual acuity of the patient with Diabetic maculopathy has been reported by many authors in recent 10 years. However, in more advance diabetic maculopathy, no effective therapeutic modelity has been presented. From March 1977 to March 1983, in retina clinic of the ophthalmological department of Veterans General Hospital, 240 eyes of 169 patients, who suffered from Diabetic retinopathy & maculopathy have been collected. Pan-retinal photocoagulation was the only treatment for these patients. After long term follow up, about 69.6% of patients could maintain or improve their visual acuity. The possible machenisms for this method are (1) the destruction of unhealthy microinfarcted areas of retina and sluggishly perfused capillaries, thereby allowing the available retinal blood to increase nourishment to the remaining retina. (2) the destruction of leaking blood vessels and other abnormal hemodynamic vascular complexes, thereby normalizing the vascular supply of the macular region of the eye. Since there was no effective treatment available for severe Diabetic maculopathy. Pan-retinal photocoagulation is strongly recommended by the authors.
