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Exfoliation Syndrome-A Case Report



本文報告一單側患脱落性症候群之66歲男性病例。該病患主訴其右眼視力模糊及有半年眼壓過高之病史。經隙裂燈及隅角鏡檢查有典型之脱落性疾候群病徵,右眼視神經盤亦有青光眼之變化。 右眼在接受青光眼濾過手術及白內障摘除與人工晶體植入後,最佳矯正視力為6/12,眼壓為10mmHg。病患兩眼經切取結膜組織並使用電子顯微鏡檢視發現右眼結膜間質有脱落性微纖維存在。左眼無特殊發現。




A case of unilateral exfoliation syndrome in a 66-year-old male is reported. Slit-lamp examination disclosed several characteristic findings of exfoliation syndrome in the right eye. His right eye underwent argon laser trabeculoplasty, filtering surgery and extracapsular cataract extraction with posterior chamber lens implantation because of uncontrolled intraocular pressure and cataract. The corrected visual acuity was 6/12 and the intraocular pressure was controlled well without antiglaucoma medications postoperatively. The ultrastructure of the specimen of inferior bulbar conjunctival biopsies has been investigated. There were clumps of exfoliation fibres in the conjunctival stroma of the right eye. No evidence of exfoliation was seen in the left eye.


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