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A Linked Data Approach to an Accessible Grammar of Chinese for Students



This paper introduces a linked data approach to grammar. In particular, we explicate the linked data design of A Student Grammar of Chinese (Zhu & Huang, 2022) to make Chinese grammar accessible to students of different backgrounds and levels. The main linked data design of this student grammar includes: boxouts for mouseover hyperlink effects in print, narrative building through examples, and word-to-grammar links to allow easy grasp of grammar.


本文基於朱永平、黃居仁合著的《學生中文語法A Student Grammar of Chinese》(Zhu & Huang, 2022)一書介紹在「聯結數據」(linked data)概念基礎上設計的教學語法。該方法旨在將語法知識化繁為簡並加以活化,以靈活配合不同背景及水平的學生學習需要。該書所使用的「聯結數據」方法包括:以框出(boxouts)突出注釋及注意點、以統一的敘事風格保持例句中角色的連貫性及故事性、以詞語查找語法(word-to-grammar)的索引方式使讀者更方便快捷地定位及掌握語法知識。


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