  • 期刊


Using Seed Protein Electrophoresis Profile and Western Blotting to Analyse the Classification of Glycine Species


野生大豆是栽培種大豆在實行抗病抗蟲耐旱等育種改良計畫時重要的基因庫,不同的野生種對於有益性狀有不同的貢獻,快速鑑別大豆屬物種有助於育種親本的選定,加速整個育種計畫流程。在許多試驗中證明種子蛋白電泳可以進行物種鑑定,搭配種子蛋白抗體進行西方墨點轉漬法分析,更是一項進行辨認大豆屬物種的有利工具。多種大豆屬物種的種子全蛋白以SDS-PAGE與西方墨點轉漬法進行分析,結果顯示每一個物種均有其獨特的電泳圖譜,可以做為物種鑑識之用。本研究用於免疫分析共有九個種子蛋白,其中變異少的蛋白有MP130、glycinin、GmPM4、GmPM5、GmPM16、GmPM28等六個種子儲存蛋白或成熟蛋白;而變異多的蛋白有GmPM1、GmPM2、GmPM8等三個種子成熟蛋白。依據這些種子蛋白的分析結果,針對G. tomentella物種複合群所做的分群與前人利用同功群的方法所推論出的結果一致。


The Glycine species are the important gene pools for improvement of soybean crop against insect, disease and drought stress, comparing to the narrower germplasm of the cutivar soybean. Identifying useful trait doners as parents for breeding effectively can facilitate the breeding program. Many experiments had confirmed that seed proteins electrophoresis can be used as a tool for plant taxonomy, and the efficiency will increase if collocate with Western blotting. In the present study, the seed proteins from several Glycine species were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Western blot against soybean seed maturation protein and seed storage protein antibodies. Each species yields a unique electrophoretic pattern that varied in the total number of bands and their relative mobilities. Thus, we may use these protein profiles as a tool to identify Glycine species. Six seed protein products, including MP130, Glycinin, GmPM4, GmPM5, GmPM16, and GmPM28, are less varied, and the other three proteins, GmPM1, GmPM2 and Gm PM8, are more varied among Glycine species. The results thus gave a similar conclusion as those provided by isozyme studies described previously by other group.


