  • 期刊


Responses of Rice Growth to Submerged Conditions during Tillering Stage


本研究主要探討水稻分蘗期各階段之生長性狀對淹水處理之反應,以期建立水稻耐淹水育種計畫參考模式,或為水患災害發生之初步損失評估。淹水處理時期分為(1)分蘗初期、(2)分蘗中期及(3)分蘗盛期等3個階段,以具有耐淹水Sub1基因之IR64-Sub1水稻品系作為對照(理想型)品種,並選用臺稉9號、臺中秈10號及臺中秈17號為參試品種。試驗中調查參試品種(系)在淹水處理7天及14天與淹水7天處理後恢復生長7天的生育表現,包括株高、分蘗數及葉綠素計測值。結果得知,在3個階段的淹水處理中,稻株均有抽長現象,尤其在分蘗初期較為明顯,其餘生育時期各品種之株高相對較為和緩。淹水處理的稻株分蘗能力受到抑制,葉片之葉綠素計(SPAD 502)測值也明顯下降。淹水處理14天及處理7天加上恢復生長7天稻株之株高與分蘗數之生長速率均呈現負值,即株高在分蘗初期及中期介於-19.0%~-35.9%之間,分蘗盛期則為-1.2%~-2.3%。分蘗數有類似受損結果,以臺中秈10號在分蘗中期的-28.9%最嚴重,大於災害估損率20%標準。綜合試驗結果,稻株在分蘗期若遇淹水,以在分蘗初、中期對生長影響較為明顯,分蘗盛期影響較小,慎選耐淹品種或可降低淹水負面效應。


水稻 淹水 生長反應 分蘗期


This study was to investigate growth responses of different rice varieties to submergent treatments during tillering stage. Rice strain IR64-Sub1 which carries Sub1 gene tolerant to submerged condition was used as an ideotype control and Taikeng No. 9, Taichung-Sen No. 10 and Taichung-Sen No. 17 were used for comparisons. Plants of these four varieties were treated with submerged conditions at stages of initial tillering, middle tillering and maximum tillering for 7 and 14 days, respectively. Agronomic characters such as plant height, tiller number and leaf chlorophyll content (using chlorophyll meter SPAD 502) were measured and compared. It showed that plant height was promoted by submergent treatments, with a greater extent at the initial tillering stage. Similar results were found in tiller numbers and values of SPAD. After submergent treatment was released, the recovery relative growth rates (RRGR) of plant height and tiller number showed negative values. The RRGR of plant height for the initial and the middle tillering was in range of -19.0%~-35.9%, and was in range of -1.2%~-2.3% for the maximum tillering. As for tiller number, the decreased of RRGR (-28.9%) for Taichung-Sen No. 10 at the middle tillering was the greatest, less than that commonly observed in flood damage (-20%). As a result, plant growth of rice will be impaired by submergence during tillering stage, particularly at the initial and the middle tillering. Accordingly, growing a rice variety with tolerance to submergence is important when prevention of flooding damage to plant growth is of concern.
