  • 期刊


Current Research and Development of Precision Agriculture-Viewpoints from Attending 2008 International Conference on Precision Agriculture


國際上現有三項較大型國際性精準農業會議,以提供議題討論平台來促進精準農業的推廣與應用,並以配合精準農業科學(技)、產業與事業的發展。2008年7月20-23日在美國科羅拉多州丹佛市舉行的第九屆國際精準農業會議(2008International Conferenceon Precision Agriculture; 2008 ICPA),依照來自世界各地研究人員的投遞論文內容與原訂類別,將論文主題劃分為二十大項,以彰顯精準農業的重要研究與應用成果,並展示新近的研發技術與資訊管理。如此豐富而多元的精準農業內涵與應用層面,顯示出歷經二十多年的演進,精準農業已發展成為兼具理論與實務的廣面向科技。以農耕系統而言,從播種、栽培至收獲,皆可納入精準農業作業範疇,給予全方位的精準管理。


There are three renown international conferences held specific for Precision Agriculture (PA) with the intention to provide the forum for presentations on the current state of PA research and applications. The 9th International Conference on Precision Agriculture (2008 ICPA) was held at the Hyatt Regency Tech Center in Denver, Colorado from July 20-23, 2008. There were more than 500 attendees from all over the world with twenty subjects arranged to highlight significant research and applications in areas of PA and showcase emerging technologies and information management. Such fruitful contexts and applications indicate the multi-facets and achievements of this developing agricultural managing system. For crops cultivation, practices from seeding, planting to harvesting can all be managed precisely in a site-specific way.
