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  • OpenAccess


The Cost Evaluation of Electrical Consumption for the Low Temperature Phalaenopsis Orchid Flower Induction Facility




蝴蝶蘭 溫室 降溫 催花


The flower induction facility can regulate the flowering period of Phalaenopsis orchid and increase the profit for the farmers. In the summer time, the high temperature will increase the electrical consumption and operating cost by using air conditioning in the flower induction facility. This study was to evaluate the cost of electrical consumption for the Phalaenopsis orchid flower induction facility and to understand the effects of weather condition on the electrical consumption. Based on the regression analysis of electrical consumption and air temperature, the electrical consumption for each season can be estimated. The daytime temperature inside the flower induction facility increased with increasing air temperature and sunshine duration. The layout and orientation of the flower induction facility significantly affect the distribution of temperature and relative humidity inside the facility. Except the precipitation, the highest temperature, the lowest temperature, air temperature, relative hu midity, sunshine duration and the outside temperature in south side significantly affect the electrical consumption. The air temperature was highly correlated to the electrical consumption. Therefore, the electrical consumption can be estimated by air temperature. The costs of electrical consumption were 24.2 NTD/pot, 44.7 NTD/pot, 28.4 NTD/pot for fall season, summer season and whole year. In order to increase the space efficiency of flower induction facility and reduce the cost of electrical consumption, a three dimensional flower induction facility was designed. Although this three dimensional flower induction facility had higher efficiency for the space utilization and saved more cooling capacity, the hardware investment and the cost for artificial lighting system will increase by using this facility.
