  • 期刊


Zoning Windbreak Forest in Kinmen Area


本研究主要目標為確定金門地區防風保安林劃設區域,供管理單位金門林務所未來編定防風保安林之參考。 防風保安林為透過森林之減風機制,保護內陸避免受海風吹襲、侵蝕,並減緩鹽沫及飛砂向內陸入侵。由於保安林劃設,強制規範林地開發使用行為,故應在對民眾經濟權益影響最小的狀況,劃設充分的保安林地,讓森林防風效益最大。本研究回顧國內外防風林帶寬的相關研究,以3.3倍樹高為寬度、平均樹高15m帶入防風林帶寬推算公式,配合金門現有風速資料,計算海岸的防風保安林帶寬,更由緩衝區分析進行防風效果分析,經比較不同帶寬之防風效益,確認最適寬帶。此外,參考過去林業經營計畫中防風林劃設條件與現今實務操作之檢討,配合最適帶寬範圍,研擬金門地區防風保安林的劃設準則。 以往作為金門地區保安林管理與劃設基礎之林班圖圖面資訊久未更新,無法反應林區內土地使用情況現狀、產權與境界。本研究以地籍圖為基礎,配合高解析度衛星影像製作之土地覆蓋圖套疊分析與現地檢核,確認最後規劃的防風保安林預定地,皆為符合理論與現實土地利用狀況之土地。 本研究研擬防風保安林之劃設準則、規劃流程與產生提供野外檢核之劃入調查表,並規劃1,002ha之防風保安林預定地,佔過去經營計畫防風林編定面積30%,由防風林理論、管理效率與私有地利益保障角度,本研究規劃結果更具實質意義。


We identifyied the regions for windbreak forest in Kinmen to prouide the information for zoning windbreak forest for Kinmen Forest Bureau. Windbreak forest protects inland away from strong wind, erosion, salt-spray and sand disturbance. Protected forest legally restricts other land-use such as development on forest land. Consequently, zoning windbreak forest should be carefully planned and implemented to maximum the benefit of windbreak and minimum the lost of local community's economical profit. Studies on effects of the shelterbelt width and the wind speed information in Kinmen were reviewed to evaluate the proper width of shelterbelt. Buffer analysis in GIS was adopted to analyze the effect of the windbreak, ensuring the optimal width for Kinmen coastal windbreak forest. The criteria of establishing shelterbelt from past forest management plans and the practical operation were reviewed in order to build up the criteria of zoning wind break forest. The compartment map has long been used to organize and record data about protected forest in Kinmen. However, it is no longer accurate in terms of the current status of land use in forest and with the actual ownership and boundary. The proposed windbreak forest area was overlaid with the cadastre map and land cover map derived from high resolution satellite image. Later on field check was carried out to assure the selection in accordance with theory and current land use. This study addresses criteria formulation and process of zoning windbreak protection forests and design the field check form. The result defined 1,001.99ha as proposed windbreak forest area which is 30% of previous management plan. In conclusion, it is important to adopt the theories of windbreak studies, and forest management, and protect private land property right.


forest GIS Kinmen
