  • 期刊


Construction and Analysis of Ecosystem Models as Illustrated by the Taiwan Red Cypress Plantations and Secondary Hardwood Forest at Hue-Sun Forest Station


本研究藉由Ecopath with Ecosim 4.0之生態系模式分析軟體,進行生態系模式之建構與分析,以瞭解森林生態系之結構與功能。使用惠蓀林場紅檜人工林與闊葉樹次生林的監測調查資料,將所有生物區分為次級肉食性動物、吸血性昆蟲、初級肉食性動物、肉食性昆蟲、雜食性昆蟲、植食性昆蟲、腐生植食性動物、腐生肉食性昆蟲、腐生雜食性昆蟲、腐生植食性昆蟲、喬木層針葉樹植物、喬木層闊葉樹植物與地被層植物,以及枯枝落葉和動物碎屑等15 種分類群;並透過各分類群的生物量、攝食量與生物量之比值、生產量與攝食量之比值、以及部分生產量與生物量之比值等基本參數,且配合其食性組成的估測資料等建構概念模式。結果顯示所建構之四種營養模式皆如金字塔型,且以吸血性昆蟲之營養階層最高,而營養階層為1或2者之分類群占大部分,其中又以雜食性昆蟲之生態幅度較大;此外,藉由生態系的總系統傳輸量(TST)、系統優越性(A)、系統開銷(L)、以及發展量(C)等四種訊息指數之綜合分析,用於瞭解生態系的演替發展趨勢,並作為比較不同生態系間之健康性的指標,結果發現紅檜人工林與闊葉樹次生林等四種生態系皆處於演替過程中的成熟階段,且以闊葉樹次生林之H2樣區最具活力。


We used the software of Ecopath with Ecosim 4.0 to construct and analyze the ecosystem model in order to understand the structures and functions of forest ecosystems. Our data were derived from monitoring of Taiwan red cypress plantations and secondary hardwood forest at Hue-Sun Forest Station in central Taiwan. We classified forest organisms into 15 groups, namely, secondary carnivorous animals, blood-sucking insects, primary carnivorous animals, detritivorous-phytophagous animals, carnivorous insects, omnivorous insects, phytophagous insects, detritivorous-carnivorous insects, detritivorous-omnivorous insects, detritivorous-phytophagous insects, softwood, hardwood, understory, litter, and animal detritus. The conceptual model was constructed based on parameters derived from each group such as biomass, the ratio of consumption and biomass, the ratio of production and consumption, and the ratio of production and biomass of selected taxonomic groups, and the estimated value of diet composition. All four trophic models constructed shaped like a pyramid, with the highest trophic level the blood-sucking insects. Most of the groups are in trophic levels one and two, and the ecological width of omnivorous insects was wider than other groups. In addition, the integrated analysis of the four information indicators, i.e., total system throughput (TST), system ascendancy (A), system overhead (L), and development capacity (C), can be used to understand the trends in succession development and ecosystem health. It reveals the four ecosystem models are all in the mature stage of the succession processes; the most vigorous of which is one of the secondary hardwood forest plots.
