  • 期刊


Effects of Tourist Number on Avian Communities in Xitou Area


根據交通部觀光局統計資料顯示,近十年間森林遊樂區人數有逐漸成長的趨勢。其中位於南投縣的溪頭自然教育園區更因豐富的自然景觀與生態資源,近四年每年吸引上百萬的參訪遊客人數,居國內森林遊樂區遊客人數之冠。本研究在2010年針對溪頭自然教育園區內的鳥類群聚與遊客人數進行研究,以了解遊客壓力是否影響鳥類群聚變化。結果顯示溪頭地區三處景點中以與神木區的平均遊客人數最高(87.9±23.5人次/小時),大學池次之(52.3±14.1人次/小時),銀杏林最低(43.0±15.7人次/小時)。鳥類相的歧異度指標以大學池最低(1.862),銀杏林最高(2.219)。在鳥類觀察隻數與遊客人數的分析結果中,也顯示在大學池與神木景點,遊客人數與鳥隻數呈現顯著的負相關(分別為r = -0.614, p = 0.019;r = -0.523, p = 0.046)。溪頭豐富的動植物資源在生態旅遊上是個絕佳的環境教育材料,如何有效控制遊客承載量,在經濟與保育之間取得平衡,是在溪頭地區值得進一步研究與探討的議題。


According to the visitor statistics from the Taiwan Tourism Bureau, the number of visitors to Forest Recreation Areas has increased gradually in the past decade. Because of the splendid nature landscapes and abundant resources, there are more than one million visitors per year to the Xitou Nature Education Area in Nantou Country from the past four years, which is the highest among all the Forest Recreation Areas in Taiwan. In order to understand the impacts of tourist pressure on avian communities, we investigated the avian communities and number of visitors in the Xitou Area during 2010. The average visitor number in the three most population spots of Xitou was the Giant Tree as the highest (87.9±23.5 person-time/hr), the University Pond as the second (52.3±14.1 person-time/hr) and the Ginkgo plantation as the third (43.0±15.7 person-time/hr). The Shannon-Wiener diversity index of the Ginkgo plantation was the highest (2.219) and the University Pond was the lowest (1.862). We also found significant negative correlations between bird number and visitor number in the University Pond (r = -0.614, p = 0.019) and the Giant Tree (r = -0.523, p = 0.046). With the abundant nature resources, the Xitou Nature Education Area is very suitable for environmental education. However, the issues of tourism carrying capacity and the balance between economic profit and conservation in Xitou will need further studies.


