  • 期刊


The Alternative Dispute Resolution Adopted by Taiwanese Businesses in Chinese Mainland


解決兩岸商務糾紛的方式共有四種,包括了協商(negotiation)、調解(mediation; conciliation)、仲裁(arbitration)及訴訟(lawsuit),其中協商、調解及仲裁合稱之為(alternative dispute resolution)方式。過去台商在大陸處理商務糾紛時,經常抱怨中國大陸的司法對台商不公,因而有學者建議,台商應採取商務仲裁方式解決商務糾紛較能獲得公平的對持;但以仲裁方式解決商務糾紛時,台商又擔心台籍仲裁員人數不足及行政干預仍會影響裁決的公平性;至於以調解方式解決商務糾紛時,台商又覺得程序繁瑣及無法有效執行協議。本文的最大貢獻在於將三種替代性解決商務糾紛的方式做一比較分析復,認為如從效率、成本、公平、專業、執行效力、維持友善關係、難易程度等指標及台商的實踐經驗來看,協商應為較佳的方法。


替代性糾紛解決 協商 調解 仲裁 訴訟


There are four kinds of methods-negotiation, mediation, arbitration and lawsuit-to resolve the business disputes between the Taiwanese firms and the local businesses in Chinese mainland. Each method mentioned above is identified as a method of 'alternative dispute resolution'.Taiwanese businesses frequently complained that the trials of Chinese mainland are unfair to them. So, some of Taiwanese scholars and experts suggested that the Taiwanese businesses should adopt arbitration method to resolve their business disputes with the local companies in Chinese mainland. However, Taiwanese businesses in Chinese mainland still think that even they adopt arbitration method to resolve the disputes with the local companies in Chinese mainland, they probably cannot obtain a fair award because of insufficient Taiwanese arbitrators and administrative intervention in Chinese mainland. As for the mediation, the Taiwanese businesses think that the mediation procedure is quite complicated and the agreement probably will not be executed.According to this paper, although the Taiwanese businesses in Chinese mainland can adopt mediation and arbitration methods to resolve their disputes with the local firms in Chinese mainland, the best method should be the negotiation evaluated from the indicators of efficiency, costs, professionals, friendly relations, degrees of difficulty, and executive powers.


