  • 期刊


On the Use of Coffee Residue Ash as Additive to Concrete Materials


由於國內絕大多數建築物係採用混凝土材料,使得水泥之使用量極高;而根據相關研究顯示,在眾多的土木材料中,水泥於生產製造過程所排放之二氧化碳(CO2)量高達0.85 ton/m^3;因此若能尋求適當的廢棄物再利用,進而取代部分之水泥使用,將可達到減少廢棄物與降低二氧化碳排放量,進而達到地球環境保護的雙重目的。因此本研究乃構思將一般僅能當作廢料之咖啡渣(Coffee Residue)於高溫燃燒至500、600及700℃且恆溫三小時後所產生之三種咖啡渣灰(Ash of Coffee Residue)應用於混凝土材料上,並藉由各種試驗試體探討其巨、微觀之工程相關性質的變化情形,進而分析出最佳之咖啡渣灰添加量;同時為呼應節能減碳之環保訴求,本研究並推估若採用最佳之咖啡渣灰添加量後,所能夠達到之經濟及節能效益。經過本研究所進行之一系列試驗與量測過程,並經分析顯示500℃以上之咖啡渣灰已去除有機成份,700℃咖啡渣灰晶相已形成而對試體強度之增加效果降低;另由試驗結果顯示,依相同齡期之試體比較得知,咖啡渣灰添加比例越高,其強度越低;而由同一添加比例之試體比較可得知,齡期越長,其抗壓強度越高;整體而言,燃燒至600℃添加15%之咖啡渣灰較500℃及700℃咖啡渣灰具工程應用性。此外,經本研究實際調查國內三家咖啡連鎖店各一家分店之日平均咖啡渣數量後,再經由推估得知國內每年之咖啡渣產生數量約達4,573公噸;此等咖啡渣廢料如能全數燒成咖啡渣灰並有效應用於混凝土材料中,且若排碳量與燒灰溫度呈線性關係時,則每年將可減少排放149.94公噸的二氧化碳(CO2),其效果相當於種植4,052棵柳桉樹。


The disposal of coffee residue ash has become an environmental issue. If we can use the coffee residue ash as additives to concrete mortar, we can reduce the trash as well as carbon emission. This research investigated the potential of using coffee residue ash as additives to the concrete mortar. We conducted the compressive strength test and hydration heat transfer test for a series of mixtures of varying amount of additives burned at 500℃, 600℃ and 700℃. SEM was used to observe the microstructure of the mixtures. Results of our experiments and tests showed that adding 600℃ coffee residue ash into the mortar was best for industrial applications. Results also showed that the compressive strength is getting higher and curing age longer. When the percentage of coffee residue ash increased, the amount of water absorption increased that decreased the compressive strength. Therefore, adding 600℃ coffee residue provides best financial and CO2 reduction benefits.
