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Study on Parental Involvement of Fathers with Physical Disabilities




This study is to portray, from the perspective of fathers with physical disabilities, their involvement in house chores, nurturing and educating their children. It artic1e speaks volumes of how these fathers dedicate themselves in parental jobs, barriers caused by their disabilities, and how these impacts evoke the fathers' coping strategies. Qualitative method in the hermeneutics phenomenological research approach is adapted in this study to collect materials of 4 physically disabled fathers with school age children (age 6 to 12), by 2 to 3 times in-depth interviews. The results suggest the findings of static positioning patterns and selective decision-making model in housework. The study also indicates that a barrier of being physically disabled is their main concern before they turn into ”real father”. In the involvement of nurturing children, they develop their own strategies to support their spouses and overcome the physical barriers. Playing games is also an important element in nurturing children This study also emphasizes the importance of children's acknowledgement to physical disabilities, participation in school activities and difficulties in leisure activities According to the study, physically disabled fathers are able to put themselves into, by the amount of involvement, nurturing, educating children and house chores. And they have their own ways to overcome the barriers while implementing their parenting roles. However, they are vulnerable to the ”environmental barriers” outside the family.


內政統計通報 (2009,第9週)。97年底列冊身心障礙者人數統計。2009 年3月3日,取自http://www.moi.gov.tw/files/news_file/week9809.doc
