  • 期刊


Enhancement Effect of Stimulator Spray on Seed Production of Cherry Tomato


針對小果番茄單為結果特性研發調製出激生素B(stimulator B)配方,於雜交授粉期噴灑,可降低單為結果現象,提高單為結果性小果番茄之採種量。由小量試驗與採種量產試驗結果,激生素B 可增加小果番茄‘台南亞蔬11 號’母本採種量約17-23%,且於低溫生長管理逆境下,甚至可使於單果種子數增加10倍。激生素B處理也可使小果番茄'KY-2420'品系與'KY-294'品系提高採種量,顯示激生素增加種子產量之效用,無品種專一性,故可廣泛應用於單為結果性之小果番茄品系。激生素使用後之種子千粒重、發芽率、採種果實著果率、採種母本生長勢及採得種子所播種繁殖之F1種苗與對照顯著差異,無使用安全之虞。小果番茄雜交種子為高單價之商品,採種每分地使用激生素可增加約50萬元之收益。


番茄 雜交種子 激生素 單為結果


In order to reduce the parthenocarpy of cherry tomato, we develop a solution of stimulator B formula. If spraying stimulator B solution during cherry tomato pollination season, the yield of hybrid seeds will increase. Spraying stimulator B solution result in raising 17-23 % seed number per hybrid fruits of Tainan ASVEG No.11 maternal plants in small and large scale seed production test. Especially under low temperature or any other stress, the seed number per hybrid fruits can increase more than 10-fold. Spraying stimulator B solution also increase the seed yield of cherry tomato lines '2420' and '294' belong to Known-You Seed Co., Taiwan. So stimulator B solution shows wide spectrum utility of parthenocarpic cherry tomato varieties. There is no negative side-effect of spraying stimulator by evaluating seed weight, germination rate, fruit setting rate and growth vigor of maternal plants, traits of seedlings sowed from seeds collect by spraying stimulator B. Because hybrid cherry tomato seed is high-value, the benefit of spraying stimulator B per seed production hectare amount to 5 million NT dollars.


tomato hybrid seed stimulator parthenocarpy
