  • 期刊


Intergeneric Cross between Erycinapusilla and Oncidiinaespecies and Cultuivars




Erycina pusilla is a twig epiphyte belonged to a member of Oncidiinae, flowering around the year in its native habitation. This species has short juvenility which is under one year. But this species had seldom used in oncidium breeding in the past breeding program. This study was mainly about Ery. pusilla and hybridization with 9 species or cultivars of 7 genera in Oncidiinae. The fruit set of three crosses were produced when Ery. pusilla as the seed parent or when it as the pollen parent, respectively. Rod. lanceolata and three cultivars among genus Tolumnia produced off springs when crossing with Ery. pusilla. The number of hybrid seedlings produced from per capsule was one to dozens. This result indicated that there was compatibility between Ery. pusilla and other genus in Oncidiinae, but hybridization barriers did exist, only few hybrid seedlings were produced from one capsule.


Erycina pusilla Oncidiinae hybridization offspring
