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The Effect of Bulb Size and Chilling Stratification on Flowering of Showy Lily


豔紅鹿子百合組織培養苗經二季栽培後採收鱗莖,予2℃冷藏庫濕藏100天後,依不同鱗莖周徑分別行籃植栽培。以掃瞄式電子顯微鏡觀察莖頂的形態變化,於種植後15天莖頂即形成花萼原體,30天小花花器發育完成,形成肉眼可見的幼花蕾。周徑8 cm以上的鱗莖即具有開花能力。周徑8-18 cm的鱗莖栽培到開花期具有10-18片葉片、株高32-64cm、花1-6朵,始花日期介於174至186天,開花率介於52-89%之間。植株莖軸向上直立生長,有別於自然環境下垂生長。低溫濕藏鱗莖可改進觀賞價值,集中開花期。但始花日期需六個月,顯示為晚開花的物種,晚開花的原因在於花芽發育遲緩。


The plantlets derived from tissue culture of showy lily were cultivated for two growth cycles and these bulbs were harvested for chilling stratification in a refrigerator at 2 ℃ for 100 days. These bulbs were planted in plastic flat with peat moss in a nursery. The apex morphology and floral organ primordiums were observed by scanning electron microscopy after planting 30 days. The sepal primordium was observed at 15th days after planting, and visible florets were showed at the 30th day after planting. The stratified bulbs with perimeter over 8 cm could bloom smoothly after planting. The circumference 8-18 cm bulbs spent 174 to 186 days to bloom, which had 1 to 6 flowers and the flowering rate was 52-89%. The stratified bulbs sprouted with erect stems, unlike the downward stems under natural conditions. The showy lily has late flowering habitation. It needed six months between sprouting and flowering.


Showy lily chilling stratification bulb
