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探討HR-XML 3.0標準於人力資源管理之應用與發展

Exploring the Application and Development of HR-XML 3.0 in Human Resource Management


一直以來,「選賢與能,因才適任」為企業於人力資源管理上之期望與目標,同時也是企業邁向成功的第一步,在現今資訊發達的時代裡,求職徵才理應更加便利迅速,然而卻因缺乏系統化與標準化之規範,導致企業於人才遴選上曠日費時,求職者無法適得其所,再多的人力銀行的產生依然無濟於事。所以,為能有效發揮企業求職媒合之最大綜效,人力資源領域內必須擁有一套具備公信力與通用的資料標準,廣為百大企業所採用之HR-XML 3.0即為一套適用於人力資源管理之資料標準,導入HR-XML 3.0標準將使資料交換更加迅速,而以HR-XML 3.0標準為基準所設計之職能差異分析系統涵蓋了知識,技術,能力及心理與認證層面,將有助於強化企業內外部人力資源之資訊交流。因此,本研究將針對HR-XML應用於人力資源管理及整合進行分析與探討,提出HR-XML 3.0之架構、優勢、與現存人力銀行系統之差異和未來發展性,藉由蒐集國內外相關文獻並以文獻資料分析法加以彙整及分析近年來HR-XML 3.0於人力資源管理之應用情形, 目的在於找出HR-XML 3.0標準於人力資源管理上之發展趨勢及未來性,而研究結果將可作為企業未來欲導入HR-XML 3.0標準於人力資源管理之應用參考。


The new approaches of speeding right people into right enterprises have been expectation in the human resource management. By the way, it is a successful factor for human resource management. Nowadays, in the 21 century, whether applying for a job or recruitment should be more convenient and quickly. However, lacking of systematize and standardize paradigm makes enterprises wasting more time on recruiting and the employee could not get a suitable job, either, even though so many job banks are available, the problem still exists. In order to matching recruitments with candidates more and more efficiency, the domain of human resource should need data exchange standard includes credibility and generalization.HR-XML 3.0 is widely used by hundreds of large enterprises. Implementing HR-XML 3.0 into human source management will makes data exchanging more quickly and efficiency. Applying HR-XML 3.0 to develop competency analysis system can base on attributes of knowledge, skill, ability, psychometric and certification. Using HR-XML 3.0 will strengthen information exchanging on internal and external human resource of enterprises.Consequently, this research focuses on analyzing and exploration of application and integration between HR-XML 3.0 and human resource management, furthermore, presenting the infrastructure, advantages, the difference from the existed job bank system and the development in the future. By collecting mass of references and using literature review method, to find the circumstances of HR-XML 3.0 standard implementing into human resource management and the purposes are exploring the trend for future development. The results of this research could provide direction about implementing HR-XML 3.0 standard into human resource management in the near future.


劉 承 春(2006), eHR 十大趨勢, 英特內軟體股份有限公司56 期電子報,Retrieved August 21, 2010, 取自: http://www.interinfo.com.tw/edoc/ch55/epaper_tony.htm。
Chuck, A.,Lon, P.(2001).HR-XML:Enabling Pervasive HR e-Business.XML Europe 2001 Conference Proceedings.(XML Europe 2001 Conference Proceedings).


