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Trade Liberalization, Deindustrialization and Unemployment: New Economic Geography Approach


本文整合Krugman and Venables(1995)與Harris and Todaro(1970)架構建立一新經濟地理失業模型探討貿易自由化對産業空洞化與失業之影響,文中特別強調産業關聯效果與資本移動性因素。在不允許資本移動條件下,隨著貿易自由化,一失業國製造業外移,出現産業空洞化與失業抵換關係。此外,由於製造業生産過程需要中間投入-産業聯鎖效果,聯鎖效果越高,貿易自由化衝擊越大。若允許資本在國際間移動,與聯鎖效果相同的,資本移動將擴大貿易自由化效果以致加速失業國産業空洞化。再者,貿易自由化持續進行將導致製造業悉數移出失業國,該國將成為製造業邊陲。


This paper develops an unemployment, new economic geography framework by integrating Harris and Todaro (1975) and Krugman (1991) models to analyze the impacts of trade liberalization upon unemployment and deindustrialization; in particular, capital mobility and linkage effects are emphasized. It indicates that, without capital mobility, there exists a trade-off between unemployment and deindustrialization, and that the manufacturing industry declines for a country with unemployment in response to trade liberalization. In addition, intermediate inputs are needed in manufacturing production-linkage effects, the higher the linkage effects are, the larger the impacts of trade liberalization will be When capital is allowed to flow between countries, like the role of linkage effects, the impacts of trade liberalization will be enlarged. As trade liberalization proceeds, all manufacturing industry may moves out of the country with unemployment, that in turn leads to becoming the periphery.




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