  • 期刊


Optimization of the Culture Medium for Vegetarian Lactobacillus acidophilus


嗜酸乳酸桿菌具有多種有益人體健康的生理機能,為目前市面上甚為流行的一種益生菌;素食為一種相當有益健康的飲食方式,在現代社會中日益普及;若能開發適合添加於素食食品中之乳酸菌來源,定能更加對素食者的健康有所助益。本研究即利用非動物性來源之soy peptone(1.0-2.5%, w/v),glucose monohydrate (1-5%, w/v)及yeast extract(1.0-2.5%, w/v)等作為培養基主成份,來對嗜酸乳酸桿菌進行發酵,並配合上反應曲面法(RSM),以上述之三種培養基主成份之濃度作為作用因子,而以活菌數作為反應性狀來進行研究,在37℃培養36小時所得數據結果以SAS程式進行反應曲面法之統計分析,找出最適之條件組合。結果發現在soy peptone 1.38%,glucose monohydrate 2.6%,yeast extract 1.6%的濃度條件組合下,可以得到最高的活菌數9.175(log CFU/ml)。驗證試驗的結果顯示所得模式方程式具備適當性,4℃貯藏試驗結果亦發現由最適條件組合所得之產品,具甚佳之貯藏安定性。


Lactobacillus acidophilus possesses lots of physiological effects beneficial to human health and is a kind of probiotics very popular in the market. On the other hand, with consumer vegetarianism increasing in many parts of the world, food manufacturing companies now have to market appropriate vegetarian probiotic products which need to be cultured in the medium free from animal-derived ingredients. In this study, soy peptone, glucose monohydrate and yeast extract were used as the main medium ingredients for the fermentation of L. acidophilus. A three-variable and three-level design method, analyzed by response surface methodology (RSM), was used to determine some optimum conditions. The effects of the concentrations of soy peptone (1.0-2.5%, w/v), glucose monohydrate (1-5%, w/v) and yeast extract (1.0-2.5%, w/v) on the viable cell number were researched. The SAS program was used to fit the second-order polynomial equation to the experimental data obtained from cultivation at 37℃ for 36 hrs, and test the model for goodness of fit. Results indicated that the highest viable cell number 9.175 (log CFU/ml) was obtained at an optimum medium composed of 1.38% soy peptone, 2.6% glucose monohydrate, and 1.6% yeast extract. Verification test confirmed the adequacy of the model developed, and the product obtained at the optimum conditions was also found to possess appropriate storage stability during storage at 4℃.
