  • 期刊


Assessing the Impact of Maximum Residual Level of Pesticide on International Trade: Sensitive Analysis of Different Pesticides


消費者飲食安全議題越來越重要,近年來我國食安風暴也連帶引起政治風暴。東亞各國正積極地簽訂各種經濟合作協定及自由貿易協定,而在2011年間臺灣與中國也簽訂海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議,除了降低關稅貿易障礙之外,非關稅貿易障礙,如技術性貿易障礙(Technical Barriers to Trade;以下簡稱TBT)、食品安全檢驗及動植物防疫措施(The Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures;以下簡稱SPS)等更是重要的議題。許多國家間接透過非關稅貿易障礙以保護國內的產業及國民健康安全。其中,農藥最大殘留標準的設定與日本農藥正面表列制度的實施,可以瞭解到已開發國家對於食品安全與貿易關係的技術性貿易障礙協定越來越重視,且過去相關研究指出農藥最大殘留標準的改變會嚴重影響國際間的進出口貿易量。本研究嘗試多種農產品與不同農藥最大殘留標準,以引力模型為基礎,針對1997年至2009年之13年期間的追蹤資料,且鎖定分析對象為日本、臺灣、中國與韓國及其主要貿易出口國。本研究結果發現,進口國越嚴苛的農藥最大殘留標準會造成農產品貿易量減少,且非關稅貿易障礙對貿易量的影響顯著大於關稅貿易障礙。因此,農產品貿易在技術性貿易障礙上的克服與解決,需要更嚴謹的食品安全標準之評估與調和,及重視消費者飲食安全的基本權利,才能達到互利且雙贏的局面。


Food safety for consumer is more and more important. Recent food scandal in Taiwan caused serious impacts for social and political crisis. Now various countries of East Asia are signing many kinds of economic cooperation agreement and the free trade agreement. In 2011, Taiwan and China also signed the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement. Besides reducing the tariff trade barriers, the non-tariff trade barriers, such as the technical barriers to trade and the application of sanitary and phytosanitary measures, are the more important subject. Many countries use the non-tariff trade barriers to protect their domestic industries and public health indirectly. We can recognize the technical barriers to trade has been gradually emphasized by the previous studies which have pointed out the changes of maximum residual level have caused serious impact on international trade. The target region in this study is focused on the area of Japan, Taiwan, China and South Korea of importing countries and from their main exporting countries. The purpose of this study is to estimate the impact of maximum residual level of different pesticide on many kinds of agricultural trade by using panel data from 1997 to 2009 and employing gravity model. The conclusion of this study is that the severer maximum residual level of pesticide will reduce agricultural trade and the impact of non-tariff trade barriers will significantly larger than the impact of tariff trade barriers. Therefore, the non-tariff trade barriers of agricultural product need rigorous estimate and reconciliation.


TBT Panel data Gravity model


Sia, S. C. (2016). 國際生鮮蘋果貿易非關稅障礙之估計——隨機邊界引力模型之應用 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201602799
