  • 期刊


A Nursing Experience in Ventilator Weaning of a Young Man Who had C4-6 Cervical Injuries




脊髓損傷 呼吸器戒斷 焦慮


This article discusses the nursing experience caring for a 19-year-old man with traumatic C4-6 cervical injury who had been placed on a respirator and was to receive respiratory training between 2009 February 12 to March 2. Using Gordon 11 functional health assessment and observation, interview, medical records, direct care, and assessment of skills, the problems of the patient were found to be respiratory dysfunction, anxiety, and deficiency in self-care ability. The nursing problems were confidence building, progressive respiratory training, and ventilator weaning. Active and empathetic attention and care were provided to the patient and his family members. Encouragement was used to build self-confidence, reduce the use of the respirator, and reduce anxiety. The patient was actively encouraged to receive physical rehabilitation to maintain and re-gain muscle strength for out of bed functions. The family members were instructed on how to teach cognitive skills, enhance his self-care ability and assist in his progressive weaning from the ventilator.
