  • 期刊


Injection of Botulinum Toxin type A for Treatment of Sialorrhea in Children with Cerebral Palsy: Case Series Presentation


流口水是腦性麻痺患童常見的障礙,但目前仍缺乏有效的治療方式。本研究中針對五位4歲以上有流口水障礙的腦性麻痺患童,經由超音波定位,注射A型肉毒桿菌毒素到兩側腮腺及頷下腺(總劑量40U)。於注射前及注射後第2、4、8週分別以流口水評分表(Drooling Rating Scale)及棉花卷測定流口水之程度。接受治療之患童在第2週時改善程度最大,流口水頻率減少39%,流口水評分之總分減少21%。在第8週時改善程度減緩,但仍較注射前為佳。所有患童均未出現併發症。依本研究結果指出,以A型肉毒桿菌毒素治療腦性麻痺患童流口水障礙為一有效且安全的方式。


To date we still lack an effective and safe treatment for the drooling that frequently occurs in children with cerebral palsy. In an effort to improve upon this condition, we evaluated the effectiveness of injecting botulinum toxin type A into the salivary glands in 5 children with cerebral palsy above the age of 4 years old. The frequency score and total score of drooling had decreased significantly by the second week after injection, and the severity score of drooling had decreased significantly by the fourth week. At the end of the eighth week, the effect of botulinum toxin type A had not subsided and the drooling frequency and severity had not returned to the original level. No complications were found. The injection of botulinum toxin type A into the salivary glands is a safe and effective treatment for sialorrhea in children with cerebral palsy.
