  • 期刊


Effects of Music on Preoperative Physiologic Parameters in Patients Undergoing Ureteroscopy


研究目的在探討音樂介入對改善手術前病患生理指標之成效。採類實驗法研究設計,以中部某醫學中心輸尿管鏡術手術之病患為樣本,於2006無3月15日至7月30日收案,102位有效樣本分兩組,由樣本自行決定參與組別,實驗組60位,對照組42位,兩組在等候區先收集基本生理指標後,實驗組樣本於等候區時以耳機聆聽30分鐘自選音樂,對照組則以傳統照護方式,兩組樣本分別於10、20及30分鐘測其血壓、心跳與呼吸等指標。資料以SPSS 120版ANCOVA及repeated measure ANOVA進行檢定。結果發現:二組樣本在音樂介入後之生理指標受介入前之生理指標影響,二組間收縮壓無差異,但實驗組的舒張壓、心跳及呼吸皆比對照組較改善,至於音樂的選擇、性別、宗教、年齡組及手術經驗進行共變檢定皆未呈現顯著結果。同時發現實驗組收縮壓、舒張壓、心跳及呼吸之平均數差異皆達顯著水準,經LSD事後檢定收縮壓、心跳及呼吸皆在音樂介入後10分鐘與音樂介入前並無差異,直到20分鐘明顯下降,30鐘又再下降,舒張壓則是在音樂介入後10分鐘略為上升,之後再介入後20分鐘即30分鐘漸漸下降。以上結果驗證音樂介入對接受輸尿管鏡術手術之病患可改善術前之生理指標、進而改善焦慮情形。研究結果建議能將此模式推廣於手術室所有病患,提升照護品質。


輸尿管鏡 音樂 生理指標


This study explored the effect of music on improving biological parameters in preoperative patients. In this quasi experimental research design, 102 subjects receiving the ureteroscopies (URS) were recruited from March 15, 2006 to July 30, 2006 at a Medical Center located in Taichung City, Taiwan. Volunteers were assigned to either a study group (60 patients) or control group (42 patients). Baseline vital signs were obtained in waiting room before the study. Subjects in experimental group listened to the music through earphones in the waiting room. Subjects in the control group only received routine preoperative procedures. For both groups, vital signs were checked at 10 mine, 20 mine and 30 mine. The data were first describe descriptively followed by ANCOVA, repeated measure ANOVA and LSD post hoc examination. No difference was found in systolic pressure. Improvements were found in diastolic pressure, heart and respiratory rate in those who listened to music. Systolic, diastolic pressure, heart and respiratory rate of experimental group were improved over time. Post hoc examination of LSD indicated that all biologic factors except diastolic pressure decreased after 20 minutes of music intervention. With regard to diastolic pressure, there was an initial increase at 10 minutes which decreased in the subsequent tests. The results suggest music might be used to decrease anxiety in pre-operative patients.


ureteroscopy music biological factors
