  • 期刊


Homicide Mortality Trends by Sex, Age and Cause in Taiwan, 1986-2007


目的:描述台灣地區他殺死亡在性別、年齡及方式的長期趨勢。 方法:本研究以1986-2007年衛生署公布的「生命統計」死亡資料及內政部公布的人口年齡分布進行分析,並以曲線估計(Curve Estimation)進行趨勢檢定;他殺方式以ICD-9-CM中的E960-E969進行歸類。 結果:台灣地區1986-2007年共有7,419人死於他殺,常見的他殺類型為:「切穿工具之加害」、「槍砲及爆炸物加害」及「吊死或勒死加害」,其中「吊死或勒死加害」是唯一死亡人數及死亡率,女性(每十萬人0.14)高於男性(每十萬人0.08)的他殺類型。「切穿工具之加害」(男性:每十萬人2.05,女性:每十萬人0.65)死亡率在30-34歲年齡層最高;「槍砲及爆炸物加害」(男性:每十萬人0.71,女性:每十萬人0.05)死亡率在25-29歲最高;而「吊死或勒死加害」(男性:每十萬人0.31,女性:每十萬人0.31)死亡率則在幼童族群(1-4歲)最高。各年齡層的死亡率都呈下降趨勢,但是幼童(0-4歲)死亡率卻逐年上升;各類型他殺死亡率亦均呈下降趨勢。 結論:目前台灣地區男性及女性與各種他殺類型死亡率雖然呈現下降,但是在0-4歲幼童(尤其是女童)死亡率卻是上升的趨勢。因此,未來政府和社福單位應針對兒童進行他殺防制計畫介入,避免兒童他殺死亡率繼續惡化。


他殺 死亡率 長期趨勢


Objective: To examine the trends in homicide mortality by sex, age, and cause in Taiwan, 1986-2007. Methods: Routine mortality data was collected from official publications of vital statistics from 1986 to 2007 to determine trends by sex, age, and cause of homicide death. Homicides were classified based on ICD-9-CM code 960-969. Result: A total of 7,419 people in Taiwan died as a result of homicide between 1986 and 2007. The top three causes of homicide were assault by cutting and piercing instrument, assault by firearms and explosives, and assault by hanging and strangulation. Death by hanging and strangulation was higher among women (0.14 per 100,000 population) than men (0.08 per 100,000). Most deaths due to cutting or piercing instruments (male: 2.05, female: 0.65) and deaths due to firearms or explosives (male: 0.71, female: 0.05) occurred in people between 25 and 34 years old. Most deaths due to hanging or strangulation occurred in children under 5 years old (male: 0.31, female: 0.31). The mortality rate due to homicide of children under5 increased, but decreased in other age groups. All types of homicide mortality rate decreased. Conclusion: Although there was a decrease in homicide mortality in all types for both sexes, the mortality rate of children under 5 increased. The government will need to do more in future to prevent homicide of children.


homicide mortality rate trends


