  • 期刊


Reducing the Incidence Rate of Pressure Sore in an Internal Medicine Ward




壓瘡 護理 翻身擺位


Pressure sores serve as an important index of quality of clinical care. Both domestic and foreign studies indicate that medical institutions spend much money and time on the treatment of patients with pressure sores every year. In this internal medicine unit, the incidence rate of pressure sores once patients were admitted increased month by month. Based on an analysis of the current status, the factors contributing to this circumstance were the nursing staff's lack of knowledge of pressure sores, a lack of standard operating procedures for the prevention of pressure sores, a lack of standard techniques of body-turning and positioning, and a lack of pressure sore risk factor assessment. Based on literature review and group discussions, it was determined that the status could be improved by (1) enhancing the in-service education and advocacy, (2) establishing standard operating procedures for the prevention of pressure sores, amending pressure sore risk factor assessment and insisting that the factors be accessed when patients are admitted to the hospital, (3) establishing standard techniques for body-turning and positioning, and (4) amending pressure sore risk factor assessment sheet. After the enforcement of the measures above, the incidence rate of pressure sore was reduced from 0.27% to 0.05%. It is hoped that our experience can serve to help improve quality of care in other hospitals.


