  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of a Woman Receiving Tocolysis after Failed Pregnancies


本文係描述照護一位曾經歷妊娠失敗經驗之孕婦,妊娠32(上標 +5)週因前置胎盤住院安胎之護理經驗,個案擔憂妊娠是否能夠延續及胎兒是否健康的巨大壓力。於2009年4月6日至2009年4月10日照護期間,運用Gordon十一項健康功能型態評估,發現個案有焦慮、家庭運作過程紊亂、排便型態改變等護理問題;透過與個案建立信任關係、激發信心與希望,並接受她正負向情感的表達、提供個別性的護理措施及支持保護性的身、心、靈及社會的環境,照顧期間運用家庭為中心的照護,藉由醫護團隊提供資訊與護理指導,設計個案安胎週記,以自我鼓勵度過安胎期間,鼓勵案夫及家人的參與支持,營造個案舒適環境並改善排便問題,經由護理措施的介入,降低住院安胎個案與家庭的衝擊。藉此經驗分享護理人員在照護高危險妊娠個案時,除臨床照護外更須注意其需求,主動關懷,以家庭為中心的護理照護。


高危險妊娠 安胎 照護經驗


This article describes the nursing experience during the hospitalized placenta praevia of a woman with a history of intrauterine fetal death. The patient faced of uncertainty about a safe passage through pregnancy, and about the health of her fetus. She also worried about the biological impact of pregnancy. From April 6 to 2009 April 10, the author used Gordon 11 functional health model to asses patient need. The nursing problems included anxiety, interrupted family processes, and constipation. The author established mutual reliance with the patient, to inspire faith and hope in her and to encourage her to accept both her positive and negative emotions. In addition, the author provided the patient with individual nursing assessment and supportive and protective physical, mental, spiritual and social environments. Family-centered comprehensive care was individualized to relieve her anxiety and give her mental support during hospitalization. This report can be shared with other clinical nurses and serve as a reference for planning high quality nursing care for similar cases in the future.
