  • 期刊


The Nursing Experience of Caring for a Patient with Cervical Spinal Cord Injury




During the care of a patient with a cervical spinal cord injury, we use a holistic approach to assess health status and establish care issues, which were (a) risk for infection treated with catheter, (b) risk for impaired skin integrity treated with reduced activity, (c) lack of knowledge about neck collar use for which the patient received / lack information, (d) impaired physical mobility caused by neural and muscle injury and (e) falls causedbilateral leg muscle power loss. After treatment and rehabilitation, the patient's physical activity gradually recovered function and his limb muscles regained strength. He has gradually become able to get out of bed and perform some his daily life activities and self-care. He was transferred to chronic word to continue rehabilitation. In addition to providing appropriate nursing care, we developed a good nurse-patient relationship and a good relationship with the family. This helped the patient face the disease symptoms of discomfort.
