  • 期刊


Manual Therapy for Piriformis Syndrome - A case Report


這是一位34歲女性患者,3天前因為久坐,右臀疼痛,走路困難,所以來本院中醫骨傷科求診。經理學檢查發現,觸摸右臀可摸到條索狀硬結,壓痛明顯。特殊檢查Piriformis sign陽性,FAIR test 陽性,Pace's sign 陽性,直腿抬高試驗(SLRT)陰性,診斷為梨狀肌症候群(piriformis syndrome)。我們採用中醫傳統手法治療,結合中藥如意金黃散局部外敷,衛教患者在家作臀部牽拉復健動作。一個月後,患者右臀的疼痛消失,活動功能恢復正常。本案例的治療,結果令人滿意。


This was a case of thirty-four-year-old female suffered from pain in her right hip due to prolonged cross-legged sitting three days ago. The pain in her right hip increased so she visited our OPD with a difficult walk. The diagnosis of piriformis syndrome was made by the physical examinations and special tests, including a palpable sausage-shaped tender mass over the the hip, a positive piriformis sign, a positive FAIR test, a positive Pace's sign and a negative SLRT. The treatment of Chinese-medicine had included traditional manual therapy and Ru-Yi- Jin-Huang-San for external use. The patient was educated with a home-based stretching program for the hip. One month later, the patient had complete relief of pain in the right hip and full recovery from all active functional deficits. The outcome was satisfying.
