  • 期刊


Transitional justice in 228 Incident: the victimization of Chang Chi-lang.


劉知幾所提出史學「明鏡說」的概念,對史家在進行傳真並且反映歷史的絕對真相,懸鵠了最高標準。「明鏡說」與「如實寫照」的精神,是史家在建構史實原貌的理想;但是也由於史家自身價值判斷及客觀環境的變遷或壓力,造成教化指導史學,隱誨影響傳真,使明鏡蒙塵。中國提出的「明鏡說」與西方蘭克(Leopold Von Ranke, 1795~1886)的「讓證據說話」恰如為輝映。臺灣社會在「二二八事件」之後,62 年之間歷經政黨輪替與不同的歷史論述發展,使「二二八事件」真相愈趨模糊。「二二八事件」研究有其複雜的歷史必然性。因為包含高度的政治性與族群意識型態。陳儀在離臺前感嘆,事件的主要原因是由於「政治太寬、經濟太緊」造成,誠如歷史學者戴國煇所言,在歷經「二二八事件」之後,臺灣人產生了「兒嫌母醜」的情結, 也成為今日操作族群鬥爭的主要工具。在臺灣學術界,研究1947 年「二二八事件」的風潮是近十年伴隨本土化政治運動而成為一門所謂的「顯學」,必然尌擺脫不了時代的背景和壓力。張七郎父子3 人同時遇害,是「二二八事件」中慘絕人寰的歷史血案,經由本研究探討事件發生經過,以及利用新近發現的檔案,重新建構還原歷史事實的真相。本文的另一層面,也建構「二二八事件」遺族的「論述權」,尤其在事故發生後,張氏家屬對事件處理的態度,「要真相、不要仇恨」,經由意識的轉化過程分析,探尋歷史脈胳中的「真相」與「轉型正義」的深層意涵,從而確立張氏父子在臺灣歷史中的應有地位與棈神典範。


With Liu Zhi-ji’s Mirror rules in history, the historians have developed the highest standards of history-writting. However, they often fail to achieved the desired because of the internal limits and external pressures resulting from value judgment and the change of environment. The "Mirror" concept corresponds to Leopold Von Ranke’s rule of "Evidences speak" (1795-1886).Sixty-two years after Taiwan’s 228 incident, the search for the very truth of 228 incidents has been extremely difficult since Taiwan society has experienced turmoil in shifting political powers and conflicting historical argumentations. Research in "228 Incident" is necessarily complicated in terms of its historical and political settings. There are higher levels of political and ideological struggles involved in the issue. Before Chen Yi's departure from Taiwan, he commented on 228 Incident, saying that the major reason for the tragedy: the Chinese government was" too loose on politics, too tight on economics" in Taiwan. As what historian Dai Kuo-huei has pointed out, Taiwanese people began to develop a long-time complex of "repression" for its own mother country, mainland China, after the incident. Unfortunately, the complex has now been used as the ultimate tool for political manipulation among groups of two extremes. In the academic community of Taiwanese historical research, the research in "228 incident" has become more than popular in the recent decade; and yet the quest itself can never be free from the influences and pressures from all sides. The victimization of Chang Chi-lang and his two sons, was the most tragic example of the incident. This essay is trying to look at what had actually happened and reconstruct the truth using the newly-discovered files and information. The other dimension of the essay is going to restate the "Right of Speech" for the victims' families, and to analyze the mindset of "Truth, no hatred" from the Chang family's retrospection. Also, by further exploring the meaning of historical "truth" and "transitional justice", the Chang's case is therefore consolidated in the historical research of 228 Incident, the significance of the three victims' legacy can be eventually justified.
