  • 期刊


Biogenic Gas Potential Associated with Plio-Pleistocene Stratigraphic Trap in Southwestern Taiwan


本研究分析之震測綫分布於八掌溪以南至台南以北,共三百餘條、總長近五千公里。有別於前人研究摘取各層序底部連續面的方式,本研究强調二重溪層、坎下寮層、六重溪層、沄水溪層,及烏嘴層等地層頂部之摘取,及區域性或局部性如各層序內古海底峽穀侵蝕面的摘取,經由整體性地層被截切形貌的描述,得以有效探尋地層封閉。上新/更新世海底峽穀系統,經地球化學評估分析,的確具生成生物氣的潜能。東北、西南走向的海底峽穀系統,較具生物氣生成潜能。佳裏附近、西北東南走向的二重古海底峽穀系統,生物氣生成的潜能較低。 由震測層序解釋、振幅隨支距變化(Amplitude variation with Offset, AVO)異常分布及震測逆推低聲波阻抗異常分布綜合研判,封阻並聚集於下切穀充填砂之地層封閉,爲新營氣田之原始油氣聚集型態。以類比法分析,新營氣田東側震測特性異常分佈帶,油氣聚集潛能高。整體而言,現今之構造封閉(與原始地層封閉無關)聚集油氣的潜能較低,除非其附近存在較大規模且截切原始地層封閉的斷層,原始地層封閉中曾聚集的生物氣,經由二次移棲得以再次聚集在現今構造封閉中。


Over three hundreds seismic lines total of five kilometers, distributed between Pachangchi and Tainan, were analyzed in this study. On contrast to the previous studies, in which continuous horizon surfaces of the strata base were interpreted, horizon patches of the strata tops such as Niaotsui, Yunshuichi, Liuchungchi, Kanhsiaoliao and Eurchungchi eroded by submarine canyons were interpreted. Stratigraphic traps were systematically explored and Plio-Pleistocene submarine canyon systems in the southwestern Taiwan plain area were established through regional seismic sequence analysis. Geochemical analysis based on the analyzed stratigraphic frame works indicates that submarine canyon do play the role of generating biogenic gas. Submarine canyon trending NE posses higher biogenic gas generation potential than those trending NW. Seismic attributes such as amplitude, inverted impedance and AVO anomaly of the target horizon (the Base Eurchungchi formation) were integrated with the submarine systems and the structure of the target horizon to analyze the entrapment style of the Hsinying gas field. Stratigraphic trap rather than the structural trap was concluded for the entrapment style of the Hsinying gas field. Overall speaking, present date structural traps posses less hydrocarbon potential unless they are associated with faults cutting down the paleo-submarine canyon or other stratigraphic traps.
