  • 期刊


Case History of a Deep Excavation Using Soil Mixed Pile Walls as Retaining Walls


以連續壁作為深開挖工程之擋土結構,在國內重大之公共工程中,如台北捷運工程、台北鐵路地下化工程等,幾乎為唯一之選擇,即使在民間之建築基地亦廣為採用,屢見不鮮,而以摻土排樁牆(Soil Mixed Pile Wall,簡稱SMPW)為深開挖擋土結構之案例,在日本已有豐富之業績,但在國內則較為少見,而相關之監測資料、迴饋分析比較和文獻發表等更屬有限。本文係以國內中部地區某一深開挖工程為案例,文中介紹以SMPW為開挖擋土結構之設計理念和考量重點,以及開挖對鄰近建物之安全評估結果和相關之地質改良保護設計,另概述本工程現場之施工情形,包括重大事故之發生狀況和處置對策等。此外,監測系統之實測結果和迴饋分析比較等亦摘錄於本文中,期提供地工界以為類似工程設計和施工時之參考。


In Taiwan, diaphragm walls have been the most commonly used retaining walls for deep excavations in both private construction sites and major public construction projects (e.g. MRT, TRUC, etc.).Deep excavations have been successfully undertaken using soil mixed pile walls (SMPW) as retaining walls in Japan. Limited experience of SMPW in the areas of data monitoring, back analyses and research have meant that SMPW are rarely adopted in Taiwan.This paper presents a case study of deep excavation site in central Taiwan, where SMPW is used as a retaining wall for deep excavation. Design concepts and the considerations on retaining wall system, together with safety evaluation and protection measure design for adjacent buildings utilizing soil improvement are introduced.In addition, construction procedures and remedial measures for the accident are also presented. Comparisons between a monitoring system and a back analysis are also summarized in this paper. The aim of the paper is to help contractors and consultants who may wish to undertake similar projects in Taiwan in the future.


